
Self Advocacy 

We are a self-advocacy group for adults with learning disabilities based in Chesterfield. Friendships are made here and together we are strong.

This is the logo of a The Queens Award for Voluntary Service which is a purple crown.

The Queen's Award for Voluntary Service

We were awarded an MBE for outstanding achievements and service in the community. The highest award given to voluntary groups across the UK.

Volunteers Needed

Our vision Our Future is always looking for Volunteers , we are open on Mondays , Wednesdays and Fridays 10am until 3pm , the cost for members is £10 

How to make a Donation 

Our Vision Our Future is a charity that is funded by subscriptions from it's members, donations and grants from the National Lottery Community Fund and other organisations. The money provides a space for people to meet friends and offer support with activities and trips. To make a donation to Our Vision Our Future please click the link below which will take you to our PayPal donate page. This is a secure way to pay. Thank you very much for your kind donation.


Scan this QR code to make a Donation 

If you have a smart phone with a camera you can scan this QR code which will take you directly to our PayPal donate page. Thank you.

this image is a QR code to scan with a phone which takes you to a PayPal donatepage